Blogboard @ SHSU

The Blackboard Faculty Support Blog at Sam Houston State University

Friday, October 19, 2007

KISS the Assignment Manager

Keep It Simple, Silly!

The Assignment Manager, used in lieu of the Digital Dropbox, is a great tool for posting and collecting assignments from your students.

While the ability to collect and download submitted assignments is useful, there's one thing you MUST remember - KISS!

When naming your assignment, keep the assignment name as simple as possible - NO spaces, NO punctuation marks such as ampersands (&), number signs (#), parenthesis, and a "short n' sweet" title.


When you collect and download the submitted assignments, a .zip file is created for you to download, and it is named according to the assignment's title that is given when it is created. The "Download assignments now" link points to that .zip file just the same as any file on the web, and so the .zip file's name is part of the URL. If the file's name has any symbols such as the ones mentioned above, it will truncate the link and any attempt to download the file will result in an error.

Not that the file doesn't exist -- your browser just cannot read it correctly. If you are having that problem now, check the assignment names. All you have to do to fix it, is shorten the name and take out spaces and symbols, then download the assignments to your heart's content!


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